Before getting started, you must read the other sticky on this forum. After you have done that, you can pick out one of these available dates for your contests. PM admin and say what date you want to have the contest on. Also tell admin what the prizes will be.
The contest hoster will send the prizes to admin (admin on WF, different username on webkinz. admin will PM you the username) who will send it to the winners.
Admin will make a sticky of all the contests hosted that week and the winners.
There will be 3 different contests a week. (if we get more members we may make there be more than 3)
Each contest goes for 6 days (Sunday-Friday)
Now that we have covered all that, here are the contest availability dates:
February 10-16
1. Admin
2. open
3. open
February 18-24
1. open
2. open
3. open
February 26-32
1. open
2. open
3. open
(will make more as needed)